The Newest Thing
So we had several instances of the wait in line for 30 minutes and expect their food in ten. Why would go somewhere that has no table available and a line to the door, wait in line, then expect your food quickly?
Another brain buster. Same situation as above and a guy comes back to the register and asks me if I could come wipe a table down next door. Rick asks what's wrong and I say, "This fucking moron wants me to stop taking orders and wipe his fucking table!" Just know that there's a guy with a bus tub and a cloth walking around the dining room.
Which brings me to the unobservant people who come and ask where our napkins are at. The thing is they have untensils and condiments which means they are at the place where the napkins are at buy didn't look up to see the huge brown front napkin dispenser on the wall. It's like, "No way. I'm not looking up. I know everything I need is here except for napkins but no way will I look up...I'll ask the cashier."
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