This Modern World
So I managed to do two things I swore I'd never do. We'll one I haven't fully done yet.
Anyway, I swore I would never get a facebook or myspace account because I think they're dumb and pointless unless you're using them to promote yourself like if you're in a band or something.
We'll, Jeanne's been gone this weekend and I was busy doing the second thing I swore I'd never do so I was watching a lot of movies and TV and bored out of my fucking mind so I jumped on Facebook and signed in to look around and it somehow had a list of people I should check out...amongst them was my mom. Everyone's on this shit. I did like the messaging that could be fun, but I'm not normally on my computer that long. It sort of just creeped me out that I just wanted to go on to browse and stuff and all of a sudden I get requests.
The other thing I swore I'd never do but caved in finally (with a laundry list of reasons why) was get an iPod. There's a plethora of reasons I never wanted to get one, but the reasons to finally get one far outweighed those and so I got one.
So I've been on this computer non-stop all weekend, uploading songs and I'm still not done and now I have to find a way to convert the vinyl into mp3 files or something.
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