
No Train. No Life!

Friday, September 18, 2015

"You can still be an athiest until 0.4."

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The debate the other night was entertaining. Donald Trump was on his A-game with his one-liners. Rand Paul said the only smart thing about legalizing marijuana. If anything, Chris Christy, no matter what he ever does, his hardline stance against marijuana legalization makes him an idiot, especially when he tries to defend his point. A gateway drug? Really? Look at how fat this guy is and know that, aside from legal prescription drugs being the biggest killer - more than heroin and cocaine combined - sugar, salt, and fat is pretty close behind. It's also why straight-edgers like Fall-Out Boy who pushed that straight-edge deal and talked about candy is their drug shows their immaturity of their beliefs. Good intentioned, yes, but highly idealistic and much more detrimental to the world.

How so? Carly Fiorina, despite me not agreeing with her much throughout my knowledge of her, was her views on legal marijuana. First, though, I thought it was funny that she mentioned her credentials with HP and talked that up with all the profits and whatever and as she was saying all that, I told Jeanne how Meg Whitman just fired 30,000 HP workers. No sooner did I say that did Donald Trump mention that. Anyway, this has nothing to do with how Fiorina feels about having to bury a child as a result of a drug overdose. That is something highly tragic and would not wish anyone to go through that. But it is the misunderstanding about drugs and our War on Drugs and our attitudes and the drug culture associated with drugs which needs to be understood, dealt with, and changed.

She said something like, "People cannot compare smoking marijuana with drinking a beer. That is not the same thing. And the marijuana these days are not like the ones Jeb Bush smoked. They are much stronger." This is a paraphrase of what she said, but first off, yes, they are stronger, but it means one smokes less. Second, the reason why it is stronger is the culture around pot because of its demonization and illegality makes it so people who smoke it, do it to get "faded." If we, like Portugal, changed the drug status and our outlook and understanding towards drugs, people would do it differently, not build a culture or their entire lifestyle around it. Then you'd also have different strains such as ones with less THC, so ones gets the high without much of the psychoative part of it.

Added to this, she compared it to beer - alcohol - as if that comparison is ridiculous as alcohol, because of its legality, is safer. This is the biggest annoying argument people against legalizing pot use and shows that they are ignorant of their cause. They have that brainwashed viewpoint on drugs. Look at the lives alcohol destroys - the broken homes, infidelity, rape, deaths, on and on and what does pot do? Really? No comparison. Pot actually has strong medicinal and spiritual benefits. There is even industries against allowing medicinal marijuana for soldiers with PTSD. There are 22 suicides a day from soldiers with PTSD and we do not want them to use "drugs" but we can prescribe them lifelong medication of antidepresent (of which a side-effect is suicide) to artificially create serotonin, which will shut down their natural production because it will see there is enough serotonin then they will have to be dependent on those antidepressents forever.

Then there is the other part of the pharmaceutical industry who, by the way, have paid most, if not all, of the doctors voicing their medical advice against the legalization of marijuana. Their exponentially-grown-to-a-billion-dollar industries which has increased addictions to those, heroin, broken lives, careers, families...And even when they do not, there are drugs like psychedelics which can help cure many addictions, illnesses, depression, PTSD, etc., but those will not be legal because of its stigma towards the professionals and the uneducated public who just think: drugs! It hasn't been that long ago that those drugs were what they were used for until the public got a hold of them and abused them recreationally and the idiots ruined it.


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