
No Train. No Life!

Friday, November 22, 2013

So yesterday rained ice and turned into snow. Very slowly and about one we left to pick up Ayana from daycare and did our Costco run.

On the way there there were two accidents. Funny because at that point it was raining very lightly and the roads weren't slick. Even when we got to Costco it wasn't slick except if you walked on the paint.

So headed back west on Dodge street, the two lanes were merging to one and we were in the left (knowing it merges I always plan ahead to be in a lane that requires little to no lane changes. Keeping a safe following distance to the car in front of me with respect to the truck in the lane next to me anticipating his merge. His merge was sudden. As if he just realized he had to merge and yanked his wheel left becoming perpendicular to us. I slowly stopped because of the road surface and the car behind me was close. As we watched this truck spin around one way then to the next (obviously trying to counter steer each time, thus making him spin further and further out of control) I made sure we were a good distance back and hope he wouldn't flip because (1) I don't want to witness something like that and (2) I would have to stop in the cold, windy weather to stop and try to help this person out of his truck. So we're just watching him spin this way and that and flying up the median and I thought about me,Jeff, and, I think, Tory and Spencer, spinning out on the freeway back home near the Mililani off ramp and ending in the median and being able to drive away from it.

This guy did the same and, miraculously, drove away. His car was driveable after all that thrashin around. He drove very slowly away.

This is the shit I talk about how accidents are preventable and people are very arrogant and selfish in the way they drive. Truck drivers are the worst. There's a reason for following distances which vary according to driving conditions. Just because it's a posted 45 mph, doesn't mean you have to. if it's high traffic or inclement weather, you adjust. That post I did about Papillion, if they do put a traffic light, since people are unwilling to adjust their driving habits, they should do a toll road or tax so the people using that road pay it. If they are so insistent they don't change and need a traffic light, have them fund it. Jesse Ventura did that with the stadium tax. Why have people not using the stadium have to help foot the bill.

I also noticed I made a mistake in saying the 5% affected by the Obamacare deal were rich people. It was mostly policies that didn't meet the raised standards.


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