
No Train. No Life!

Thursday, September 08, 2011


Great speech tonight. He's right. We need something fast acting, we can't just wait 14 months. It's good to see the Republicans only cheering for the part about giving veterans jobs and not having them come back to fight for a job, because they can't seem to not care for the troops. They can, however - or at least seem not to care about, seem like complete asses when it comes to education or the common people.

I hope people wake up in this next election and realize that if you vote Republican and you're not rich, you're an idiot and all those naysayers about limited government especially for social programs shouldn't get FEMA help and the old people shouldn't get Medicare and Medicaide and their Social Security checks. That's all the same thing with people helping people and the government setting up the program for it.

What happened to a nation who takes care of others. This has been a long time coming with how will there be people to support other businesses when they keep shipping jobs overseas and shutting down small businesses and idealistically giving corporations money and tax breaks will create jobs - we tried and it didn't work, so let's move on to the next thing.


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