
No Train. No Life!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two things that I've recently realized I hate, especially having a kid are documentaries and most DVD's. Documentaries I like but one thing I've come to accept. As much as I like to learn about things and no matter the intentions, the people who need to be affected by the documentaries won't ever watch it or will be critical against it and nothing happens. Two, having a child, I like to have things on where I don't have to pay attention to all the time. Almost all documentaries use words. Not just here and there but sometimes several paragraphs all throughout the film. If I wanted to read about it, I'd get the book or read articles about it. And it's not that I don't like to read. I read a lot and I watch a lot of foreign films. But when I do, I sit and watch or read knowing I'm getting into that.

The other thing are the DVD menus. Why do they get all fucking fancy? Get to the point. There's no award for "best DVD menu" or anything of the like. And people buy DVD's because of the film or what's included in the menu not how fucking animated and clever the menu is. Especially with kid who's fussy and you're trying to get them calm so you can get dinner together, I don't want to sit through a fucking Oompah-Loompah walking to pour chocolate to turn into the menu selection. I feel like smashing it.


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