
No Train. No Life!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

GD apps

The city of San Francisco spent time and money to creat an app to show available parking spaces. The reason was said that people looking and vying for spaces was a main cause of traffic in the downtown area.

First off, when people are told not to text while driving and people don't know how to talk on their phones while driving, why would a phone app make them drive even better or make them aware of what's going on around them. Secondly, why wouldn't they promote their really great public transportation system instead of spending money on a useless app? Doesn't the city get money from busfare and the BART?

It seems the recurring theme with people, not just in official positions, but in general, to think of new ideas that make no sense or don't work rather than critically think about solutions especially with things that already exist. Just like the car that can parallel park itself. Parallel parking's not that hard. Car's that tell you when you're driving too close to the car in front of you. You should keep a good, legal following distance anyway. If you need a computer to tell you you're too close, you don't deserve to drive.


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