
No Train. No Life!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I have been slacking in writing my personal journal and staying away from Facebook more than I used to. School is all right and Dragon Arts is good. I need to put more time into that training.

I've been getting a lot of stretching done and need to hit the hamstrings and butterfly harder. I've beeen holding those for about five minues a piece and hopefully within a few weeks I'll be able to do splits and then get my full, proper stretching done for my workouts.

My back is getting better but not all the way.

I listened and read a little bit of the Osama deal yesterday. Enough to inform me about what happened and some people's opinions but stayed away from all news sources. It just makes me upset to hear people's thoughts on things. "I hoped it said Obama but it was Osama." Really?! Your ignorant loyalty to corporate news media makes you hate opposition that much that you wish they were dead? Isn't that Nazi type of mentality?

The whole birth certificate thing was always dumb to me and can't believe it went so far. People's ignorance to Constitutional rights is dumb as well. Even if he was born outside of the US, his mom being a citizen would have still made him a citizen, so what's the argument. Either way he's legit.

I finished building the book shelf and need to start on two others but lack the cash to do so. I registered for next quarter and find out today about my last math test. It was more reasonable than the last one. I like math and am majoring in it for Secondary education but the teacher tests us on things well beyond what we're learning in class. I appreciate being able to critically think about functions and other type of equations but when you're taught them at the text book level and nothing above that,and you do the homework twice and the chapter review and tests, and then you take the test and get a 70%?

I left two answers blank and I never do that. I can at least work my way through it somehow but when you're presented problems in a way you've never even touched, nor had any idea where to look for that, it's bad. I asked if he could give us more homework that would help us to think on the level of what we get tested on and he refused. He even said he doesn't like the level of difficulty of the text book we're using but if that's the case, we need to change that and learn from something along the lines of testing standards.

Drinking black coffee and gonna read some of A Dull Roar and finish my English assignment. I also need to transplant my plants.


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