
No Train. No Life!

Friday, May 27, 2011

I guess it was a good thing I didn't scrounge up enough money to try and go to the Foo Fighters concert, as the only major drawing point was they were playing with Motorhead. Motorhead didn't show up; only their drummer. Lemmy and crew were stuck in Dallas due to storms.

I don't like anyone the World-Herald has for music reviewer. This guy has no real journalistic integrity or knowledge nor anything interesting to offer musically. It seems as if he was picked because based on the staff there he probably had the biggest iTunes library. For instance, heading towards SXSW he listed the acts he was looking forward to seeing and one of them being Dave Dondero. I like Dave, but the fact that this writer supposedly lives in Omaha, Dave's played here a million times. Within months of moving here in 2003 I had seen him play. I think he even played a benefit thing here last year I think.

Anyway, he talked about the Foo Fighters and that they played "Ace of Spades," which I bet the only way he knew the title was because Dave probably mentioned it before they played and he scribbled it on his notepad. Bravo to the Motorhead fans who, I liked to think, refused to go see the show as a result of Motorhead now playing and were trying to sell their tickets.

I'm about halfway through the Foo Fighters' new album and so far there's one tolerable song. But like the rest of their songs, it's about 2 minutes too long. the others sound the same as before with a lot of misuse of awesome, break-neck riffs that had tremendous potential. Their current single is horrible. This album was talked about by Dave as being their best and I'm sure he believes it, but with all the rest of the crap that's out there, it's drawing from not much.

I could say that from what's out there in the mainstream media, yeah, it's a departure. But I'm personally sick of music altogether. Grinderman's been one of the only exciting new band. I think a lot of bands have potential but verse, chorus verse, chorus, bridge, verse, chorus, outro shouldn't be adhered to so much.

It's a wonder that the moneymakers seem to be reunion tours. But like cover songs becoming so overdone that songs from only a few years back are being covered, all these bands that never had much impact above high schoolers from a few years back are having reunions. Stop it! Stop being unimpressive and uninspirational. All the bands that matter carry on through time and create new musical projects that are good (Tommy Lee aside).

That being said, I'm looking forward to the Motley Crue/Poison/New York Dolls concert. I hope to see Guided by Voices. And I'm bummed about missing Primus Saturday.


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