
No Train. No Life!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Not too mention that his most recent band he likes is Rage Against the Machine which is from '91-ish, depending when he got into them. obviously for the music and not the lyrics.

Since we don't have TV, we have to watch the Huffington Post coverage, which is fine by me. The current Fox News thing is if you disagree with them it's because you're misinformed by watching MSNBC. I don't watch MSNBC; though I'm aware of them and their pundits. I don't like how they're trying to be the extreme left version of Fox News. So, no! My opposing view points are my own.

And I should mention I read the Omaha World-Herald, the New York Times, and watch Fox News, some CNN (though they're not much better aside from two reporters), the BBC, NPR, al-Jazeera, the Guardian UK, and any other source out there. I want my views to be based on being well-informed and not based upon religious, or party affiliation, or any other inane-bullshit.

Also, the Hart's Landing mythos would say Obama's going to win. Though I'd like to think that any smart person would say he would win. Based on aforementioned statement I've made and that he's a first term, first black president.


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