
No Train. No Life!

Monday, September 10, 2012

How the hell does anyone with a brain not see how flimsy Romney is? Part of what makes the Republican party strong is their steadfastness in anything, no matter how fucking stupid it may be.

This guy just goes where ever to say whatever to any demographic to satisfy them. It's like Arnold in the fucking re-call election. Now Romney's backing parts of Obamacare because of the impact of the DNC and his attempt to attract the undecided. Anyone who uses this to make their decision needs to get punched in the GD face and not allowed to vote anymore. I'd like to think that the undecided would use this attempt of his to just give up on him. Fuck this asshole!

It sucks that people do go for these things. Watch any show or article with Republicans, they back up their party no matter what; no matter how inane they may come off. The most recent was on "Real Time with Bill Maher" and the former Bush dude (I forget his name) in a final attempt to still yet grasp on to anything to back his party up said that "they need to fact check the fact checkers."

Go die!


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