
No Train. No Life!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

C'mon, Man!

So of all the things that Mitt Romney has been evasive about, he relented on one (for public relations, of course) to have them go to yippy, skippy church with him. First off, this must be only for the elite members since Ali Marriott (yes, of the Marriott hotel fame) was talking about her recent missionary work. Mitt had his grandkids all over him. Then the women's choir were about to sing a song and with a knowing look and nod from Mitt, she goes to sing, of all songs (totally random, right?), "Because I Have Been Given Much."

Now, I grew up Mormon so I know this song and it's not a feel-good-for-being-rich song, but rather one which states "Because I have been given much I too must give...I shall divide my wealth from Thee with every brother that I see..." Blah, blah, blah.... This guy's too much. How does he sing a song like that so reverently with no sense of hypocrisy or irony?

Started my swim class today. For warm-up I was told to swim 600 meters. That took about an hour. Next was 300 meters, 75 butterfly, 75 backstroke, 75 breast stroke, and 75 freestyle. After classes my body was worn out and I had to bike home into gusty wind.

I'm glad to be swimming again. It's been 8 years, but at least now I got a trainer to direct me.

Aside from running into every former employee from Ted & Wally's and Cali that go to the school, I feel like kicking every fucking person walking and texting. Could you at least stay to the right, moron! You also walk down the hall and people are lined up for their classes and everyone it texting or something.

Tim's girlfriend Sophie ran and stopped me to say hi and that Tim got hit on his bike yesterday - on campus. They just drove off after as well. I also read in the NY Times today that the bike lanes in NY are an issue, only by drivers, though.


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