
No Train. No Life!

Saturday, August 04, 2012

I started on an 18 mile bike ride which turned out to be 20 since the river trail is still closed. I left at 5:30 and good temperature. The shitty thing was the storm that was sort of a-brewing made the last six miles consist of me riding straight into the non-stop gusting wind.

I helped Charlie sort-of practice his transitions for the triathlon tomorrow, though it rained while we did so. We then watched what seemed to be the Olympic bloopers. For instance, soccer, one team scored a goal and he seemed to be over-celebrating and I said, "It'd be funny if he slipped." Which a second later he did.

Then some other things like during the triathlon, they had shown this Russian bicyclist checking her tires and the announcer says, "Here she is checking her tires or something. Sometimes when you're riding it seems as if you have a flat or something, but I'm not sure why she'd stop to get off and check it."

A moment later shows a bicyclist fall and the announcer says, "Here's another crash...wait, it's [lady who they just showed checking her tires falling which was the reason for her checking her tire] who we just saw."

Go an important day ahead of me tomorrow and a week to follow. Wednesday may be the start of the masters swim class. We'll see. I do need to go get a locker then, but may start it then.


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