
No Train. No Life!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Had a good BBQ on Saturday which met some new people and hung out with Headley and Jenn, Jeff and Margaret, Abbie and her kids, Barrett, and Jennie (who is dating the manager of the Upstream and I told her how I got fired after going there being shifts on my double and got fucked).

Earlier in the day I drove by the strip mall where the Democratic headquarter is at since they are giving out tickets to Obama's speech on Monday in Council Bluffs. The line was long. I called Megan who was in line near BW3's and got home and rode my bike down and talked to her. I asked if they knew how many tickets were being issued and she didn't know. I figured there wouldn't be enough and left to buy her a pop. I did and came back and produced the pop from my messenger bag and said I should be a bike messenger for people in line which they all agreed would be good.

Turns out I should've stayed because everyone in line got tickets. Oh, well. My hopes were up because Abby said something about being offered tickets and wasn't planning on going, but turns out she was told she could get them if she did the Council Bluffs version of what we did.

This dog keeps placing this alligator toy near me and pulling back in pouncing position. If I don't do anything, he lunges forward to push the alligator towards me. If I still don't do anything, he lunges and picks it up and places it further up so as to, presumably, get my attention. If I throw it, he'll keep doing this. As it's been going on for an hour. Here we go.

Tomorrow we're supposed to meet up with Vince and Mary Jo for lunch. It's going to be great to see him as I've not seen them for a couple of years, and they've not seen Ayana yet. I also don't know why I read the World-Herald's Maha festival review. I just checked to see if Landon got a picture. He did, on their website. Matt didn't. I also didn't know Teal was in that UUVV;dfjafj;aljf band, nor did I know that that band was a Creeker band.

Had a nice bike ride today. I got to do that deal where all lanes are filled and two trucks are turning right up ahead (and signaling) so I pull to the left of the turning vehicles and sqeeze between them and the adjacent lane. I love that.

BTW, I awoke to the news that Paul Ryan is Mitt's VP candidate. More on that later.


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