
No Train. No Life!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Lorax

Speaking of the "Lorax", I just remembered today at 4pm, there's a debate between Deb Fischer and Bob Kerrey. Larry talks about Laytonville's education getting better because of the new breed of people moving into the area, but nothing against the former residents, but more that they had "brought a variety of ideas and ways of thinking into an environment that had been quite homogenous. All great advances in civilization can be traced to the cross-pollination of cultures and philosophies, and we should welcome new ideas into our own community, not try to stifle them."

This is what frustrates me with conservative people and it's the whole idea behind the Garden of Eden story. Adam was the conservative set in his ways and Eve took a step further and liberated them and humanity (for better or for worse) progressed from there. Most of the campaign against Bob Kerrey is that he's a New York liberal who hasn't lived in Nebraska for 12 years, so as a result he is out of touch with the state.

So this guy with intellect and years outside in a progressive city, understanding more of the ways in which the world works and how things could be better for our state is worse off than some conservative lady with no outside cultural experience and only very rural experience to make decisions for our state and country? She's part of small town who takes advantage of government program for her farm and aggressively goes after big-city tax dollars to help out her people. So in a bitchy way, she's doing what our country is supposed to be doing which is everyone helping out everyone. You can't just have limited government where and when you want it.

If I were all these people in the US, look at why Mitt Romney is killing Obama in fundraising. There are less donors who are multi-millionaires and billionaires, corporations, where's the middle-class/poor representation? Look who donors are and see if they are in it for your best interest.

Speaking of, yesterday, Ayana had her black baby doll wrapped in a ribbon thing stuffed in her netted bag in her backpack that she was taking around all day yesterday. I wish I took a picture of it before she took the black baby out, because it looked very bad if she produced that out of her bag in certain company.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad you think critically about politics. I'm quite tired of it all and just gave up...

5:00 PM  

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