
No Train. No Life!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Too much to talk about for this being the "most expensive presidential election in history." I think it's ridiculous to hear these "undecided" voters talking about how they're still listening and seeing what influences their votes. Anyone that hasn't decided at the latest the debates shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Knowing that the debates are memorized facts and figures and that, especially Romney, honed his image to fit what was necessary, it's stupid to depend on these types of information to base your voting on.

The other day in the NY Times, some dumb-ass lady (who shouldn't be allowed to vote, because she's the exact reason why money and campaign-tactics work) said that (seeing the current version of Mitt Romney) she wants to vote for him because he seems to want to work across the aisle. Obama is too partisan "which is why the Tea Party started."

Where the fuck has she been?! She must be what's been polled as Fox News watchers polling as the most uninformed people out there. The whole idea of the Tea Party was causing the partisan shit. Dick Luger was outsted because he worked with the Democrats. Obama's first three years was trying to pander to the Republicans and then realized they were dicks. From the get-go they said their goal was to make Obama a one-term president and did everything in their power to try that. I don't know why the fillibuster doesn't get brought up.

This election shouldn't cost a dime. There's enough resources out there to get the information you need about candidates. Also, people who vote based on party affiliation is stupid. That's the worst policy to ever adapt. I don't like most of the current Republican party, especially Tea Party affiliates. I don't see how endorsements help out. I don't give a fuck who endorses who.

If Chuck Hagel were running for anything, I'd vote for him. He dropped out of politics because he got called a traitor by Bush and Republicans. He endorsed Bob Kerrey and in the same statements that say not only that Deb Fischer would reach across the aisle (she's a Tea Party bitch), they criticized Hagel for criticizing Bush about the Iraq war and other aisle-crossing tactics he did.

Bill Maher said it's a win-win situation where if Obama wins, America wins. If Romney wins, it's good for comedy. Twenty-something major countries, except Pakistan want Obama to win. I commend Gov. Chris Christie, not just for acknowledging Obama's response to Sandy, but also when a Fox News pundit asked him to have Romney tour the area as well, his response was basically, "I don't give a fuck about that shit."

I'm married to a small business owner who would love to bring in $250,000 profit and gladly pay more taxes if that were the case. We're in debt because of medical bills and we don't qualify for anything. Obama's policies don't keep them from hiring, it's medical shit and other things which Republicans would bring in that would either prevent them from hiring, or still be living paycheck to paycheck.

Paul Ryan I've never liked and as much as I know why the Republican party chose him, he's a fucking douche-bag and since he's been nominated, he's been an idiot with no substance. He lives by Ayn Rand and still listens to Rage Against the Machine and AC/DC is the most-played on his iPod and uses "Back in Black" to introduce him. It's the whole Adam and Eve allegory again where he's still stuck in the garden, pre-apple, where he can't move past where he's at and progress. He's still stuck in fucking 12th grade.


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