
No Train. No Life!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I haven't had the time to watch the DNC but had only read about it. I had a chance today to watch it and, damn, Bill Clinton's speech was great. Aside from the Daily Show and Real Time with Bill Maher, he brought out what is (in my view) the media's responsibility to call out the Republican Party's blatant lies, explain what really goes on, and the fact that they did, in fact, said they were running a campaign in which they would not let the fact checkers dictate.

Also I didn't realize (because its never mentioned) that along with Obama's student loan plans, was a repayment based proportionally on your salary - which makes sense. It also, as Clinton said, allows people who want to have a modest paying job or one like a much-needed doctor in a small, very rural area to not go there because they couldn't afford to make a living and pay back their student loans.

He could've brought up the voucher system Ryan wants to implement, which does nothing to make health care accessible or affordable, leaving you to pay what the vouchers don't. At least Obama did.


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