
No Train. No Life!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Bruce Banner

I don't know what the deal is with Colin Farrell. He's in a lot of bad movies, but he's in some good ones. But the thing of it is that no matter what movie it is that he's in, it's just so hard to watch him.

Especiall in Alexander. As hard as it is to watch him in the other films like Ask the Dust, it's even harder to watch him play this muscular leader of an army and conquering all these countries and shit. You just can't sell me on that. Ask the Dust was a good movie and, of course, the book is just as great, if not better.

I wish I still had it, because I was itching to read it the other year when I read Post Office, but I had kept with the tradition of the copy I had and passed it on to Headley, because I had received it from Bill Hoover who received it by Simon Joyner and Bill told me that I should pass it on to someone after I'd read it. It sucks, though, because I lost the Darktown House Band bookmark that was in it.

I can only imagine how horrible Miami Vice is. The idea of a movie version sounded bad enough but throw in Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrell and words cannot describe how bad of a picture your mind could possibly fathom. It'd be sort of like, uh...get you!


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