
No Train. No Life!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

New Train, New Life...

So in short, the new company's great. It's everything we thought trucking would be from the get-go and we actually like trucking now.

As for Swift, the former company, those fuckers (on top of everything else they've done) give you a bonus after you complete your first dispatch and Jeanne never got her's. I almost didn't get mine but I had to slowly explain to the ever-incompetent accounting department that I didn't. Jeanne had no such luck and ended up not getting it. It was $500.

Anyway, it was no big deal except for the fact that now that we've quit, they want it back and sent it to a collection agency and if we don't pay within 30 days of quitting, they'll put a judgement against us. This on top the fact that they made us no money through the month of January. Mind you, I had three paychecks less than $10.

Added to that, my last paycheck was kept by them because they're afraid I'm not going to pay the rest of the tuition reimbursement, which I was until they left me stranded and jacked me for the last check.

They work out this payment plan where they take $75/paycheck for 13 months and then you pay back the tuition for getting you your CDL. No big deal, except they should work on a scale where they take a percentage or nothing if your paycheck is less than $500. That would've left me something instead of nothing and leave us struggling to even get by on the $200/week to pay current bills and for food.

Fuck all that. That's in the past now. Except for the $1000 we now owe to some fucking collection agency. What's that, one more to my debt and another judgement.

Back in Omaha for a day and a glorious day it be. I got a 12 pack of Sam Adams and getting computer fixed as we speak. Hope it works so we can be back online and shit.

I'll be back later with a more interesting blog.


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