
No Train. No Life!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just got back from dinner at the Drover. Best steak in a while, aside from the one at Tsukiji Fish Market.

The portable DVD player we bought for Ayana in paying off tremendously. I almost froze my fingers off the other day, but we'll see if these liners work. I like the idea of the lobster gloves Jeff recommended, but we'll see. If the liners don't work, it may be worth the investment. I couldn't feel my fingers at all and took several minutes before it started thawing out. Still no snow. I hope I get to go through one snow this winter. I guess it's good for biking, though. Over a month not biking (except the mountain bike around the neighborhood in Kaimuki, which doesn't really count) feels really good to get back on and fuck these assholes.

Gotta go read about the earth in a college text book that informs me of stuff you learn in grade school like lattitude and longitude and the prime meridian. Then my new book who Ayana seems to think looks like Joe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if your fingers froze off would you get steel hooks, solid-gold implants or just keep the stumps to save money?

8:40 PM  

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