
No Train. No Life!

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Braised Ox-tails w/ Garlic Confit

Reading about and cynically analyzing society, it becomes more and more annoying seeing how in this day and age everything anyone does (mostly) is programmed into us. Sitting here at Perkins (for unlimited "decent" coffee and internet access and the fact that classmates choose here) I've listened to more than enough horrible conversations and a horrible (apparently) first date with bad conversation, posed as somewhat intellectual conversation. Like how her friend who's some philosphy major or whatever and all this and that was at a bar with her and he went to the bathroom and she skimmed through his Neitzsche book and in that slim moment of opportunity, sussed out and deconstructed Neitzsche and he's not as great and deep as people make him to be. Like the depth at which he analyzes the world and the Christian view of their religion and the rest of it is all a farce, decoded by this girl in one fell swoop.

Not that I'm someone to judge things like that, but I'm cynical enough to self-consciously think about anything I say, though it's usually in situations where I'm forced to be social where I say stupid shit like that.

But our culture and its willingness to be uninformed automotons who take little time to self-reflect on things or to understand things that take more than 15 seconds to do or more non-required reading that's more lengthy than a tweet and are the end-result of a culture thriving on reality shows and tabloid journalism that lead us to this type of crap-lifestyle.

A good example of this is this sequester which, if it does what it says it will do, will disrupt life for all Americans in almost every aspect unless your well off and/or a politician. Now it could be just media sensationalism that casts its dire effects, but when doesn't our culture take everything at their behest? President Obama's "Jedi mind-meld" gaffe became the talking point on news outlets. Not tabloid/entertainment venues (like CNN), but what's pawned off as news outlets.

The more important issues aren't focused on and dissected by the news organization that should be doing that, but people don't give a shit. They're more excited by the sci-fi mess-up and the limited knowledge of what the sequester does makes them at least think they are somewhat informed. And like most Americans, they don't care as long as something doesn't directly affect them or until they realize what they were against is something they take advantage of.

It's not as if taking away billions in corporate welfare with money that usually goes to cities and states for roads, bridges (which many need fixing), and schools could actually cut the budget in the billions without raising taxes. This was a report in the Times and also an interview on "Fresh Air" about Rick Perry's aggressive tactics of going to states to find companies looking to expand and coercing them to Texas for the weather and tax-breaks. So on paper, Texas' economy is building, but the tax breaks are taking money from school which were shutting down and overcrowding others. Then other corporations then shut down when they are then taxed. Now this idiot is adamant (despite overwhelming protests from his citizens) about not giving in to Obamacare. Nor do they see behind Rick Scott who made his fortune via the health industry and won his governorship via hard-stance against Obamacare and thus gaining Tea Party support now conceding to expand Medicare with federal aid with the condition that he get a waiver to use private insurers. Privatization's alway the answer to these fucking ass-clowns. Everything's fucking business in their favor despite the nation's best interest.


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