
No Train. No Life!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Jonestown, PA

Sitting in the terminal. Read the paper and inspired a bunch to write about in me notebook.

Sitting nervously because we're at the terminal and have a delivery tomorrow morning and this is where team-driving becomes a hassle. We got a shower and laundry in, but now we have to just sit back and see if there's some run they need immediate help on and send us on it. If we were solo, we could just sit and relax knowing that either of us would be out of hours soon and could just deliver the load tomorrow and get another one then, hence, you could get on with your evening and get dinner and watch a movie or go somewhere knowing that you're not, basically, on-call.

For the time being, I'm re-reading, for the fourth time, High Fidelity. Always a great read, especially when you don't want to think too much. The only other book I currently have is Kafka's Metamorphosis, but I started reading and just wasn't in the mood at the time.

Next Friday we're set to head back to Omaha for Uncle Tom's (seriously) 80th birthday party. I like knowing that we'll be in Omaha shortly and I like the fact that we'll have two fun days of not driving. Also, I have a lot of minidisc recording to do.


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