
No Train. No Life!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Shreveport, LA

I guess one good thing came out of all this. We got to get a hotel room. Currently we're watching the Italian Job (edited for TV w/ commercials), Rocky III (edited for TV w/ commercials), and some Jay-Z thing.

I saw a commercial for Best Buy and how you can finance a flat screen HDTV. Now I can condone financing a lot of things and a TV is a very important part of my life. I do not ever believe that I could ever get myself to finance a TV. Especially since you can get one really cheap. Having a high-tech TV isn't that important to me. Not enough to not be able to get it and fully purchase it. I don't even watch TV. All I need is a hundred dollar TV/DVD player and just rent DVD's and be happy with that.

I was really happy that we were getting a hotel room because 1) we get a free hot breakfast buffet and I'm all about free food and breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. But more importantly (even above a shower and air conditioning) we would get to watch the final episode of "the Sopranos." Wouldn't you know that we get the one hotel in the world that doesn't have HBO. I mean such a thing shouldn't exist, should it? Even those Norman Bates type of motels in the deepest part of the Sticks that you could possibly imagine has HBO. It's just as standard in a room as a bed. For this, I'm going to eat a shit ton tomorrow morning and make me a few sandwiches for the road.

I'm glad we don't have to wake up early in the morning. I don't want to keep doing this, though, and am going to definitely get a new truck. This takes up so much time and I don't get to just keep on going and gets into my finances. And I have a lot of DVD's and records and books to get. Not to mention a bunch of weddings and gifts to get.

I haven't been able to and haven't been motivated to work out in the past weeks. I haven't even been able to get myself to be eating healthy anymore. I've been taking vitamins and supplements but it's not the same and I can't wait to get myself to work out daily and eat healthy again.


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