
No Train. No Life!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Atlanta, GA

At a terminal getting the truck serviced. Atlanta driving takes more intuitiveness than driving anywhere else. You have to not only do the regular defensive driving, but you have to add to that the prospects of the most far-fetched thing you could think of that would never happen and be ready for that.

My company has a pretty stupid system about servicing your truck that they won't fix certain things here because it's not due for a B-Service for another 3000 miles and they can't do it sooner and they can't do it here because my home terminal is in Kansas City. So they'll spend time fixing the minimum amount of other things so that in a week I have to be back in Kansas City sitting around for something else to be done.

It must be a pretty boring day worldwide since the only thing on CNN all day so far has been Paris Hilton. Will she or will she not be ordered back to her palatial jail cell? Hours of coverage outside of her house to see what's going to happen and the press all lined up outside the courthouse awaiting that brief moment of her passing by them in a cop car.

Can you imagine being a journalist or photographer (wait, scratch photographer because paparazzi make their money on stupid photo ops such as that) and having to cover something like this? Having to cover this famous-for-no-reason-'cept-being-rich fucking girl. I'd much rather be doing about a million other things. Perhaps something a bit more important. Like, say, how long it takes a rock to get kicked all the way across a busy intersection without ever slowing down.

Aw, they showed Paris crying in the backseat of the police car.

I can't wait to get out of this place. But I don't feel like doing anything tonight. I want to get a good amount of sleep tonight and be ready for the morning.


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