
No Train. No Life!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Concord, NC

On a day off, sort of. It sucked because after having home time and then our truck being in the shop all weekend last weekend, we finally got another truck and spent the day moving stuff into it. Then we got a load to Florida, which was great aside from the fact that the air-condition didn't work. Not only did it not work, but after a while it starts blowing hot air.

This is not fun, especially going through 90-110 degree weather. It did this wierd thing, though, like on a rainy cool night, the air worked, but during hot weather, no dice. It was hard during the day and forced us to have to shower every night, all of which we had to pay for, and all our bottled water turned into hot water, which sucked. Then you can't sleep at night. You can't open the windows all the way, for safety reasons, and the vents allow little to no air to come through and if you turn the air (or fan, rather) on, it starts blowing hot air. So all night, you're sleeping naked and trying not to move at all, but any attempts at anything fails miserably and you're just like a wet sponge on the sheets waking up every hour and drinking tons of water and then having to pee, which became a good thing because I'd be so hot and sweaty and ready to pass out that I'd just throw my boxers on and pee outside the truck and the outside weather and wind would cool my wet body. Then back in the sauna to get five minutes of sleep.

So I got it so that we'd be routed to a terminal and get it fixed, which it is now and hopefully stays working because I hate having downtime because you're not getting paid and it's just like the last month at the other company where we were in the shop for days at a time every week and didn't make any money.

On NPR the other day, they had this fucker reviewing Spider-Man 3 and I don't know who this chump of a fuck is, but he gave it a bad review, which anyone's entitled to, but one of the reasons was that he pointed out at the absurdity of Peter's mental conflict and not knowing how to deal with it and the only way to deal with it was through an alien suit and dabble with the darkside a little. And aside from making it seem rather ridiculous a story line, he made it seem as if Sam Raimi and his writer's were so bereft of ideas that they came up with that ludicrous story line.

Uh, someone give that dumb fuck a comic book and tell him that that's in the goddamn comic and not just some fucking dumb-ass Hollywood, pulled-out-of-a-hat movie plot.


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