
No Train. No Life!

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Senate finally passed a budget, but the problem I've been rallying for proved itself in its finest form and I wish people would hold these assholes to these and start the reconstruction of the Constitutional term-limits...even for the Presidency.

No Republican votes (of course), but also four Democrats voted against it: Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Mark Begich of Alaska and Max Baucus of Montana, all from Red States up for re-election in 2014. Why are these assholes in office? They shouldn't be worried about re-election if they were actually interested in the best interest of the country. Paul Ryan is a foe of every non-idealized economists and most Americans, yet he's the pillar which the conservative right-wingers latch onto and depend on. Why? This guy's a fucking idiot. The guy who loves Rage Against the Machine and doesn't realize that he's the problem. Or what Tom Morello said, "He's the machine we've been raging against." Or I like what Obama said where you read Atlas Shrugged when you're younger but you progress from there.

Another thing which I keep addressing was brought up on "Real Time" which had a segment from Nancy Pelosi's daughter where she went to a completely Republican, Tea Party section of New Jersey which was devastated by Hurricane Sandy and voiced their opinions on limited government and cut spending. So she ran the gamut of the main government spending the far-right-wingers are pushing for and they don't want to cut any of those. Then when pushed for their answers on what they want cut, they didn't know. One woman said she probably goes more for not cutting veterans' pay because she's a vet, which proves my other point where they only get involved in something when they're directly involved by it, such as gay marriage, medical insurance, FEMA assistance (which was another thing they didn't want cut). I said during our Missouri River flooding that any person against Obamacare at that point looking for FEMA help shouldn't get it, because it's the same type of social program that the so-called Obamacare is providing.

It also brings up the Wisconsin re-call election where Scott Walker got elected for his Tea Party platform and once the idiots there realized they were benefiting from things they were rallying against, they were all up in arms.

Old people dependent on Social Security and Medicare are against illegal immigrants and Obamacare which directly benefit those programs. Like the red-neck disabled vet down the street and other guy with the "Nobama" on his bumper all depend on these social programs.

I hope at least some people will realize what people with families and friends in both Israel and Palestine have been for all along. That despite the media (which we should all ignore) most of the people on both sides are for the two-state solution and an end to all this bullshit. US citizens couldn't even see that with the recent Israeli election where Netanyahu almost lost.

And those idiots who are saying that Obama is "finally acting like a president" and "where was he the first four years" need to realize it's idiots like them and term limits that prevent people - especially the first black president - from doing their jobs when re-election is at stake. Not too mention, he spent his first three years trying to, basically, cater to the Republicans.


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