
No Train. No Life!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I had one of those non-stop laugh sessions last night. A rare thing of recent times but is good shit and had me going for a while. We were watching 1408 and A Mighty Heart and during the previews they had one for Margot at the Wedding and this scene where Jack Black and Nicole Kidman are walking and she says, "You can't even hit anybody." Then he says, "Sure I have. I've hit lots of people. You don't know them. They're not here because I punched them."

I couldn't stop laughing for about five minutes and started laughing even more because towards the end of the trailer he's playing croquet and throws the mallet off in the distance in anger down the cliff and the next scene he's walking up a set of stairs from down below. Then I started laughing uncontrollably trying to say, "He went and picked up the mallet!"

You had to be there.

1408 was good. I liked it because Cusack and Jackson were in it. The story was good as well, as with the cinematography. The film and story was sort of like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and It. And I don't say It because it's a Stephen King story, but because it dealth with fears and recent events and used that as a means to the madness.

A Mighty Heart was stupid. The story was all right; it just gave you insights to the story with details you may have not known. All that aside, I hate Angelina Jolie and thought she sucked and just got a kick out of how dumb she was. Danny Pearl was made a dork. I'm not sure if he was one in real life, but from my prejudiced opinion, I thought he seemed sort of cool, from the interview with his wife and stuff. In the movie he was just this dorkie guy who kept saying cheesey cliche catch phrases like, "Even when you grow old...don't ever lose your smile." Come on!

The writing was just terrible and way too many swear words used way too uncomfortably that seemed way too forced just to express emotion.


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