
No Train. No Life!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Omaha, NE

I officially quit trucking and am now back in Omaha. Apparently we can't get an apartment because of our bad credit which is dumb considering the circumstances at the place we got declined from and if we can't get one there I doubt there's anywhere else, unless we take over a lease. But on that subject, Jeanne had checked our credit report and there's a shit ton of shit on there that hasn't been removed that should have. The most important one is the $5500 garnishment (or jacking would be more suitable) from goddamn Discover.

It's funny how militant they are upon collecting but when it comes to changing the info on the credit report it's all like whatever. The shitty thing is that a lot that are still on there that has been paid off are the ones that would prevent us from getting an apartment. Like the utilities (which we paid twice), old cell phone, the Discover card, student loans, hospital biils...

Jeanne sent letters to them to fix it but that'll take a long time which sucks because we really need a place to stay. We are currently at the mother-in-law's place but all our things are in boxes. We don't want to stay here much longer but yet if we can't get a place, then what then? I don't like living out of boxes but I also don't want to unpack all this shit and then get a place and then pack up and move out.

On a plus side, the car that was previously stolen was recovered and in working condition; though there's something wrong with it that needs to be checked soon. Also, although the letter we received and a phone call said we didn't have to pay anything to pick the car up, we got there and they said we have to pay $80 to get it out, cash only.

This is stupid. For one, we were told we didn't need to pay anything. And if we were to pay, they should've said that other fees may apply or something to let us know that we should bring money just in case. All these are especially necessary since they accept cash only. What if I walked there or caught the bus? I was actually going to ride my bike there. Anyway, I got pissed and swore, indirectly to Jeanne, and hit the door on the way out and kicked their trash can.

Luckily, Jeanne's mom had cash to loan us so we went back to her place to get it and go back. I'm really sick of being a burden and having to depend on other people. These past years have sucked. I've been dependant all my life and now no matter how much we try, it keeps getting worse, but hopefully that's changing now.

Another thing with this place, it's as if they all have a way of making things just more and more complicated. Funnily enough, the night before I was watching "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and it dealt with lines and places where it keeps it to where the chances or you being in line before someone didn't necissarily mean you'd be served first and they should have it roped off like at Disneyland or take a number so no matter what happens, you get served in the order you were in and not pick the wrong line or something say at the impound lot and there's two windows open and no room to stand so anyone who comes in goes in any direction. Then to make things easier, we move to the left where a roped line thing would be a smart thing to put, so people can come in and no one blocks the door. But all this did was make the people come in think that they can walk straight to the window in front of them that no one is waiting behind.

I don't know how the fuck this logic works! Why the fuck are all these other people standing in a line for? Like we'd all be waiting there for nothing? So these fuck-heads comes in and never occurs to them why these people are in a line nor does it occur to them to ask if that's the line or what the fuck's going on.

It happens at stores as well. I hate when they open a register and just say, "I'll help someone here." They should say, "I'll help the next person in line." Or point to the person next in line and say, "I can help you here." Far too often I'm in line for a long time and then something opens up and then the people in the back of the line goes to the open register. Or some fucking idiot who happens to be walking by there at the exact time they say they'll help someone.


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