
No Train. No Life!

Friday, August 03, 2007


What it takes to get here.

I went to the thrift store down the road, the one that usually works great for what you've been wanting to look for something for the wedding tomorrow. I really wanted brown pants, and I usually have good luck there and anywhere with brown pants. Like the San-a-belt one and other 70-ish type pants, but no dice. There was nothing in my size. Also, they had gotten rid of their dressing room.

I did, however, find their small western shirt section. This is what I long for in places like this, or anywhere. I love western shirts and they had like ten for $2-$3 all new looking and short and long sleeve and I got three.

So this weekend is moving things into mother-in-law's place for the moment while Jeanne looks for a job and I go back to driving alone. I may have mentioned before but the slow and down times on the truck is what is really hurting us because we fall behind payments and spend the next weeks catching up. This way we'll always have a steady paycheck and stay even at the very least.

I had a local job sort of set up but it didn't offer medical and we thought we could work it out but no dice. I think I'm staying until X-mas and then we go to Vegas said event and then I don't know what. Ideally I'd like to get a local job and go to culinary school while keeping on my other things I've been secretly working on.

I've got a bunch of long awaited DVD's and some other stuff, guitar included, for going back on the truck to keep me company since I'll be by myself. Hope I don't get killed or something.

Going to Nate's tomorrow afternoon to catch a ride to the wedding with him, Bobert, and Steve Micek. Gotta wake up early to take Joe to UNO and drop all of fuckiing, goddamn Charlie's shit to his place, come back and shower, and call Headley and hand out and then go to Nate's. I think it sucks that Head's not invited to the wedding.


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