In Today's News...

Few pages in to today's paper and I already hate the world. Good day so far. Nice weather, get to the store to get provisions and wait long with two people in two different lines, but I didn't even have to wait long for either bus and got two cupw of coffee in me with another in my travel mug.
So Troy Davis did get executed. I am anti-death penalty, but all that aside I don't know why people are so eager to kill people or have them die as a proportional response. Especially when there's ANY doubt, let alone several or more along with questionable evidence, as in the case of the West Memphis Three.
Even if you are for the death penalty, how is killing someone who you think is the suspect with horrible or questionable evidence? How does that make you feel better? Is it just the fact that someone has to die and it doesn't matter who? Scapegoat?
If Jimmy Carter and Desmond Tutu, amongst many other figures including some Congressmen are asking for clemency, I think there should be some international law that allows it for who they are, what they've done, and what they represent.
The other thing was the trial and sentencing of three kids in a murder here in Omaha last year. They wanted to rob a pizza guy so they ordered pizzas, lured, robbed, and stabbed this guy. One kid went along with them, curious to see it played out and didn't go into the apartment where the assault took place. Yet when the victim came out bloodied, he did nothing. Didn't help or call for help.
His response to why was, "He was just a pizza delivery guy."
You know, it's this type of labelling that society's placed on people, especially in blue collared jobs that is so detrimental to our shitty existence. People who look to them as low people who can get a better life if they only applied themselves. I was deemed sucessful when I worked in an office even though I got paid less than I do now and with most demeaning and demanding tasks. I have more freedom and respect now and I'm able to make decisions based on what's best for the current situation and things get done.
People like Clarence Thomas is one of those who think that if people don't like their menial jobs they should do something about that. The mentality that he struggled and got through it and succeeded so what's the other people's problems. Not everyone is the same or get the same breaks, and that mentality is unfair and potentially dangerous, especially for a Supreme Court Justice.
On top of which, there was a post before on where I work about the employees' attitudes as being short and rude and that, "I guess I'd be miserable too if I were 30 years old scooping ice cream." First off, who are you to judge and make prejudiced opinions? Secondly, the job is great and if you deal with people how we do and get the barrage of fucking idiots you have to deal with, especially with your attitude, you're the part of the job that's unbearable, asshole!
Some people can only get these so-called "menial jobs," while other like them, and we need them in this Functionalist Society. It shouldn't be in anyone's place to judge them. You have more freedom here than in an office job, though that's not to generalize and knock white collars, because there are some office situations that are good and worthwhile.
To me success is enjoying what you're doing while being able to still do what you like and not be oppressed and demeaned. Yes, there are aspects of every job that you hate, but it's the people and employers that make all the difference. We need to stop putting labels on people and judging them all for what they do, especially when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
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