
No Train. No Life!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

One More Thing...Further Down the Road.

iPod - Public Enemy - Apocalypse 91 - the Enemy Strikes Black

I was getting excited with the cold weather heading in, so I can ride my bike without the hassle of dealing with these morons on the paths. I read a comment from a World-Herald article about bicyclists which a motorist said, with what I believe to be a dumbass remark that he was driving through Elmwood park and surprisingly saw a bicyclist riding on the path and remarked what a miracle it was that he wasn't on the road.

First off, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but it's not really a bicyclists versus motorist issue, because both sides need to show respect and awareness for one another. But motorists have an advantage which is that almost anyone who drives a vehicle has at least a base-level knowledge of driving rules, such as you drive on the road and a few other things. Any idiot can get on a bike, but only avid bicyclists have a general knowledge of bicycling.

That being said, fuck off. I don't think any motorist can say anything about bicyclists until they've ridden a bike around Omaha for a week. Try riding through Elmwood Park. It's the reason I avoid it. People and bicyclists alike don't understand the path and just fucking take up the whole path no matter how many bicyclists have to call out that they're passing, even five in a row and they still don't come to reality that, "Hmmmm, maybe we should get out of the way or at least look back to see if anyone else is coming." It's easier to ride the street or walk your bike through.

People can barely walk with common sense, let alone ride a bike - and definitely not driving. As much as I'd like to promote alternative ways of transportation and making this city more bike-friendly, I don't want to increase the amount of people riding. One of they reasons I like bicycling is to get away from pedestrians and motorists. The last thing I need is nowhere to go. Yes, pedestrians! Friday rush hour, try biking through downtown, especially past the Orpheum with a good production going on. People don't look!!! I'm yelling and weaving through dumb-motherfuckers. And outside of Leavenworth Cafe, I'm keeping up with 35 mph traffic, yet, they feel that they can just cruise in front of me, so I have to swerve.

So I was looking forward to the colder weather to weed out these weak fuckers and give me some peace of mind. In LA, the beach has two paths - bicyclists and pedestrians, and pedestrians still stroll into the bike path and almost get hit and get upset at the bicyclists.


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