Game Day part 2
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Another early day and another slow, somewhat disappointing day of sales. Overall we made a small bit o'money, but the weather was bad so the turnout was bad as well. Had we done this last week, I think we could've sold most if not all and especially the furniture. Oh well. I put some of the videos online, though.
This is Ayana doing her Ultimate Warrior rocking-the-ropes deal.
Mother-in-law brought over steaks and I had grilled and started smoking the teriyaki chicken but it wasn't ready when we had people there and most didn't think I was really wanting to sell now we have food.
I hope tomorrow's slow. I like the tips we've been getting which make it worth it and surprising, really, since we deal with mostly the church crowd and I may have blogged this, but they are the most confused, annoying bunch of people that I just don't want to have to deal with. I get a bike ride in at least. I've been getting about 15 miles a day in and 20 when I go to school first to work out. And we've got spaghetti-pesto for tomorrow's lunch. I've come to realize that Billy Frog's isn't that great a burger. Not that I expected much but for some reason I used to think they were good.
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