
No Train. No Life!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I guess the last investment for the bikes is going to be lights. I’ve avoided these forever, but it’s illegal now to ride at night without them. I guess I’ll do it. Plus I got the Trek ready for Jeanne and attached the baby trailer thing to it and there’s no flag (although there’s supposed to) and last night I took Ayana for a short ride to test it out…so did Jeanne. It was still nice out but was getting dark.
I’m pretty sure that’ll be the last investment.
I got to Olympia to pick up the bike and the dude went to go wipe down the rims. While he did that Ayana pointed to the helmet on the counter that looked like mine and said something which sounded like helmet. She then wanted down, so I did and she walked directly to this Toy Story bike which was all dirty, apparently something they’re fixing up. She kept touching it and said, “Oh,” and then ran to the other room to the corner with the helmets and grabbed the one like she bought the last time. Apparently she remembered where we were. She picked up the helmet and tried to turn the lights on. Then she ran back and kept touching the bike. I guess me getting a helmet was good since she recognizes the pairing of it with the bike.

I hate when I print stuff to this printer in the library. People always go to check for their stuff and take all the printed papers out and ruffle through them to get theirs and just haphazardly place the rest on top of the printer. So you then have to sort through them and figure it out; which sucks if you have them printed to both sides, because now you have to go through them and put them in order. I always keep them all in order, find mine, and then I put them all back nicely...but that's just me.

This annoying kid I used to work with at Cali Taco got on my bus today and came and talked to me. He ended up going to jail for the drug charges he had from a couple of years ago and is now in a halfway house. He seemed normal now. That's good. He was super annoying at the job and hard to talk to and train because he was always high on oxys and wouldn't admit to it, though he could never stay focused and always cut you off because he knew everything...and wanted to change the place to a Michelin star establishment.

His girlfriend's pregnant now and he's moving back to Miami. Read that Anthony Bourdain chapter in Medium Rare about the rich eat differently than you and I and that's his area and doucebag culture. Everything's material possessions and money. Doesn't matter what, as long as it costs more than normal people pay. The money he spends in a day on useless stuff I could last half a year least. He had three cars (although they only used one) and he kept buying flat screen TV's and laptops so he could have one in every room...only drank Dom Perignon ("Fuck Cristal," he says) and White Russians with Belvedere vodka. Not because he can taste the difference with premium vodka, but because it's more expensive.

Whatever...that's all behind me and I wish him well and it was good to talk to him for a bit while he's clean and able to hold a dialogue.

Gotta study some computer stuff for a while.


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