
No Train. No Life!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ohtohwoihiaindfa, MN

The sun is out, birds are chirpping (sp), oh, how lovely be thine...Oops!

Hey there, kiddo!

The sky cleared up tremendously. Sucks that I have an overnight run tomorrow, but I only accepted it to get on the next check that is the home-in-Omaha-for-a-week-check. Got to buy a $60 coffee maker. The reason being is that it's that one that doesn't have a glass pot, so as not to shatter while on the truck. But it is $60, so BACK OFF!!!!!!

Just signed the wedding invitation for Justin and Nicole's wedding. I switched the words around because who are they to tell me how to accept or decline? So it says, "Accepts with regrets." I slay me.
rHad a thing with our cooler but I think I've got in order now and I've watched the final episode of "the Sopranos."

I liked the ending. It's one of those things like the episode where X-topher died, at first I thought it to be weak, but upon further contemplation, it was actually a very profound moment.

I thought the same with the ending of the series, though I wish they had taken my advice about him being a nut-case gas attendant seeing his shrink with delusions of grandeur about being a mob boss. Or something along those lines.

I'm outs. Gotta get a magic book


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