
No Train. No Life!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Franchise Madness

First of all I didn't realize that they made a Land Before Time after the sixth one, but 11? Maybe more, I haven't checked. The eleventh one is called like "Invasion of the Tinysauruses" or something. And, yes, they are tiny dinosaurs and velociraptors make an appearance. This movie got the green light somehow.

It's been cold and windy here and while I like the cold, I don't like the wind. I also realized that I need to get better winter gear for travelling. It's been years since I've rode during the winter and the last time I just wore my coat and gloves, but that's when I lived in Midtown. I'm thinking I may need to invest in some actual bike least gloves and a jacket.

Andy worked at the shop on Sunday. He's been looking for a job and has been picking up shifts at the Antiquarium and we don't hire for the winter season, but I figured that he could at least pick up shifts when no one is available. Just so happens that situation arose Sunday and then Sunday night. Too bad it was a busy, messed up shift, so I wasn't able to train him and he just got thrown into it. It's good, though, since I don't hang out much, if he works there I'll at least be able to hang with him there.

Probably gonna skip class today so I can get some work done on my paper and finish up my test. I also need to design the shelves for the office. That's going to be a big job, but in small doses. I hope that this weekend is cold. I need the break at work.


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