
No Train. No Life!

Friday, October 21, 2011

No Dice

I had a discussion with Matt at work today about =w= and how much I dislike them and he brought up the fact that Maladroit was an underrated album which, to be fair I'd never listened to. I've had an advance copy of the album, but had tired out of them and was quite annoyed of Rivers by then.

So we listened to it. I mentioned how lame of a drummer I thought Pat Wilson to be and we went back and forth on that for a while and came to the agreement that he's not the best drummer, but he was the best drummer for =w=. For instance, if Dave Lombardo of Slayer were drumming for =w= there'd be endless drum rolls and double-bass for simple songs like "Undone" or Rivers would have trouble tuning up with Dave doing his destroy-the-earth-and-deal-with-it-later style of drumming...still, Lars sucks. As far as a metal drummer goes, he sucks. He's so basic. I could drum Metallica songs when I first started drumming. The most intense drums he plays is on "The Shortest Straw" and he didn't even come up with it.

Anyway, on the way home in the stretch of Leavenworth that I hate and want to roll some heads with dumb ass drivers, almost to the top I got a casual, "ride of the sidewalk" as a car drove by. I loooked up to make eye-contact and the car pulled in front and there were two douche-bag kids, the passenger turned back to look at me and I put my hand out to say, "Bring it" and if there's anything to give you adrenaline enough to plow up a hill it's that and I almost got them at the light. I kept going over one-liners in my head to say like, "Aside from being illegal to ride on the sidewalks, which other ten reasons would you like me to explain to you?"

The one I think I'm going to use for situations where someone yells or says something to me and I catch them at the light is, "If you've got a problem with me, fucking hit me and we'll get the cops in on this and let them figure out what a dumbshit you are! I'm not afraid of you, you fucking dickfuck, so keep popping your mouth off and we'll see how much more late I can make you from getting home to sit your fat ass down for some TV."

I'm taking the take-no-prisoners approach to these assholes. Fuck them. I'll let them know that our city's trying really hard to register our city as a bike-friendly city, so they can bitch all they want and complain about bicyclists following the laws, but they're the ones that are going to be losing lanes and getting all their shit flown right back in their fat and/or dumb faces.


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