This is my first time voting, though I have registered before. I'm pretty excited. I've never been there from the get-go of the election process and find it really interesting. The World Herald ran this stupid article this past Sunday about local candidates and what's their favorite music.
I must admit that I had my prejudiced opinion on it and it was all correct except for Lee Terry.
Now, I've met Jim Esch and met his brother and talked to his dad and I like this guy and will vote for him. But you can see the desperation with the Republicans and even the Rebublican National Comittee is panicking and putting out smear ads.
Anyway, Lee Terry is an old, do-nothing Republican who counts on old people for their vote. His top five were songs from Stone Temple Pilots, AC/DC, the Beatles, Queen, and (seriously), the Buzzcocks. Conveniently a band to fit any age demographic out there. I especially love the Beatles quote from "Let it Be" that was the only one for which he had any annotated notes.
Anyhow, my point here is that I know why McCain chose Palin for a running mate. And though I know it was a smart move by the Republican party to choose her to win Clinton's people over, I think it's stupid and dangerous. And now that Dick Cheney's endorsed his candidacy, I'm even more opposed to it.
You keep hearing about how Obama has no experience but no specific facts are pointed out. Obama's strengths in his campaign and debates is his ability to name people and instances and go further beyond that. All that aside, let's bring in the 25th Amendment and if (God forbid) John McCain wins office and something happens to him. Do you think Sarah Palin could run the country?!!!!! Not enough experience??!!
As Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel - Republican mentioned that she just got her passport a year ago. Barack has no foreign policy experience. Here's a potential vice-president (or if he dies - president) whose experience with foreign policy is that she can see Russia. Chuck Hagel's wife is also voting for Barack. Life-long Republican but sees beyond the bullshit.
I think voting for the McCain/Palin ticket is very dangerous and irresponsible. And if you want to talk about foreign to foreigners. The ones who aren't surprised at movies like
Kite Runner and
Hotel Rwanda. To them, they already know about those by reading the news. Not just American news but international news. They have their fingers on the pulse of what's going on and don't see the bull shit for which most Americans fall for.