
No Train. No Life!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fuck Facebook

It's such a sad day and like any day, I avoid Facebook especially because of fuckheads just saying the "right thing" to say.

The other day, at about 5:45 am, on my way to work, my playlist turned up "Perfect Day," and it just made the ride all the more better. A lot went through my head as it played on my ride. John Cale came to mind.

Since I work on the weekends all day, I had no idea and Jeanne just told me Lou Reed died. GD! I remember Shane gave me a music periodical when I left Boulder that had Lou Reed on the cover and he told me he felt I should have that issue. I still have it and Lou has played an increasing role in my life, musically. I thought of being able to see some recurrence of him and John Cale during the last decade especially when reading about John Cale's recent Nico tribute concerts.

I really don't want hear no hipster tribute to this, which is one reason I don't want to be in a bar in Omaha or on Facebook tonight. I loathe to hear this.

The things I thought of immediately were: "All Tomorrow's Parties," "Wild Side" (because of Marky Mark), "Perfect Day," and John Cale.

Too many good people die.