...oh, and...
I just deleted that last blog somehow. I was just saying that I need to stop blogging and calling people while drunk. I never remember any of it. Blogging-wise, I tend to blog a lot of shit that I'm just thinking about at the time and it doesn't need to be on here and then I read it later and wonder why the fuck I blogged that. It seems that, for some reason, 98% of the blogs on this blog was done while intoxicated.
The phone calls. One day a while back, after being drunk the night before, I checked my phone history and the entire list was of calls I made while drunk. One of which I remember.
I guess I should also stop drinking so much.
One last thing while I'm here, though. I drove by Wings of America a couple of times and laughed because I keep thinking about Jake. Jake from Harlan, IA, Jake. He used to work there and on his last day, his co-workers all decorated his car and made signs like "Good Luck" and "We'll Miss You" type stuff. He walked by them all and got in his car and drove away not even acknowledging anyone.