Buffalo, NY
Not too much has been going on. Actually, a lot has been, but it's just not been that interesting as I've just been busy. I spent a few days in Chicago which fucking sucks. It's just non-stop everything going wrong and traffic. Fucking rush hour at 1300.
After that whole mess I got a sort of easy one to Kentucky then a fucked up one that worked out well since the storms but got one up to the north east. The northeast, pretty as it is, is just as bad as Chicago with the traffic and all that shit. So you're just going non-stop all day long and going nowhere.
The only good thing is in both Chicago, New York, and Boston area, NPR is on all day. I was looking forward to the public radio in Boston and New York City because they play good music but I didn't catch it.
Speaking of, the state highways through Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York are fucking beautiful. Especially Vermont. There's all these towns with houses as shops. Like I saw this beautiful house that had a big deck and tables and then noticed sign that said it was a restaurant. And lot of bed and breakfasts and motels that look like that one in But I'm a Cheerleader.
I left my recording cord at home so I can't burn any Rollins radio show to minidisc to listen to.
I like listening to these corporations and all these re-calls and love the idea of them losing all this money as a result and them trying to spin their way out of it while trying to keep their public image. Funny shit.
I think it's funny that one scenario of it is the Chinese form of their cheap-out-sourced labor. You know, increasing profit-margins and shaving costs to make that margin bigger and they are doing that to the American companies and there's all these concerns over how to improve or over-supervise the Chinese inspectors or something when it could all be solved by American companies not being cheap mother-fuckers and paying a little more which would put a barely visible dent in their profits but make a whole world of a difference to a country that is going through all this suffering and are the backbones of our society and they don't even get a pat on the back.
Hopefully, this and that guy held responsible for the Mattel thing who committed suicide as a result of everything that led up to this re-call will make these corporations start thinking more about other people besides their bank accounts. Even if they're only doing it for their company image as opposed to actually feeling for others.