Rock Lobster
So the plan is to get those lobster gloves, since I've had several days of frozen fingers on the verge of losing them...but the weather's all nice coming up. Nice as in 30-40 degrees, so I'm not sure what to do. I should just get them just in case.
Two instances with almost gettin hit and me using arm gestures and nothing to throw. First is going east on Leavenworth pase Sheri's and a car pulls out of Avanza's to hit the interstate. Crosses over three lanes without even turning her head to check and I swerve around to go on the left part of the lane and turn back with arms up as in, "What the fuck?" She doesn't even notice that as she's turning the other way to make her way onto the interstate.
Second is going west on Leavenworth just past the Indian restaurant. It's dark, but I have my lights on, flashing. Car approaches Leavenworth, but as there are no cars around he doesn't even check for anything like pedestrians or a bicyclists. Rolling through the stop sign I'm watching his head the entire time so I already know what he's going to do and swerve out to miss getting hit and am about to pound the back of his car as he drives away and I flip him off. He seems to see me in his rearview as his head looks up and he slowly hits the brakes and I lift my arms up to say, "What the fuck!" He releases his brakes then presses it again as if hesitating to stop to see if he hit me or something? I stand up and start peddling faster to catch up and he drives away.
Not sure what to think about school except I don't like my anthropology teacher. She looks like that douche-bag friend of Brad's that I can't stand and she's way too animated and thinks she's funny in that Jeff Foxworthy type of deal. First day of class I sat in the front, but I couldn't take it so now I'm at the back of the room and now I have a laptop I can bring.