Dumbshits Like These
Yesterday at work, Wario was talking to customers as he assembled their sandwiches. Some old man was talking to him. Wario is Ethiopian and doesn't speak good English, but sort of enough to get by and he mentioned working another job.
The old man (obviously one of those dumbshit Republicans that don't really know what they stand for except what's being said on the news and regurgitating that bullshit like he knows) says, "Well, if Obama gets his way, you won't have a job no more."
Wario asks what he said and he repeats it but adds, "He wants to raise minimum wage to $9/hr. They're gonna have to raise the prices on your food and you guys will be out of a job."
Basically, this asshole told us that's we don't deserve to get paid more. But aside from that, based on analysts, economists, history, statisticians, anyone who doesn't believe in the lies that allow the rich and big-business to make shit tons of money while the lower part of society takes a hit, this guy who probably gets Social Security and Medicare and a bunch of other shit that is funded mostly by the people he is against making money.
Nothing new, but if we make more, we spend more. There was an op-ed piece last week in the NY Times which brought the factual numbers which I read about before, but it was put into terms of it's effect on the economy in the US. And aside from the bad parts (which was little) its positive side more than greatly overwhelms that and helps our economy way more and especially Social Security to which they contribute millions, and it's basically the thing that's keeping that going.
This is the stupid type of mentality that I cannot stand and why we need to get rid of the media. Media is biased, ideological, and blah, blah, blah, and CNN is turning into an entertainment network (they got rid of their investigative reporting division because it's not profitable), but the thing I look at (aside from reading things from all sides) is seeing these people on discussion panels with views from all sides. Most (not all) of the conservative Republicans cannot hold their own and get their asses handed to them. They get overly defensive and then talk about how it's unfair to attack this or that, or "what about this thing that Clinton did" or how "Carter was a pussy." All things that have nothing to do with what's being talked about. Anne Coulter is the best, because on her own and on Fox News she seems to know a lot. Even all the bullshit she throws out in her books (which if you've read them, not knowing who she is or choosing sides, you'd think it's a seventh grader writing a political satire book even to the point of her new book saying that, of course, if you're liberal you're a racist because you voted Obama into office. This is like Dinesh D'Souza's type of idiotic intellect that conservative Republicans are so desperately clinging on to) makes it somewhat seem like she knows something (she's a lawyer, too...and who says looks alone don't get you by), but when she's with other people who throw facts and call her on her shit, she has that dumb look on her face and she's all, "Really? Uh, That's not what I've heard."
I watch network news sometimes, and I read newspapers and some internet sites, and whatnot, but I do it not necessarily to be informed, but mostly to see what the national and worldview is on things and where they're coming from. It's helped me to get a better grasp on reality and dig through the bullshit; not be so narrow-minded when it comes to things because you learn to critically think about things and learn what it is or who it is that's speaking.
Such as when you realize when the NRA instills dumb-ass fear into idiots and they sell out on guns and you realize 2/3 of the board members who pay LaPierre's almost million dollar salary are CEO's and execs from guns and ammmo companies, they're running to the bank laughing. It makes you wonder how a president could have so much power, what with the checks and balances deal and the gridlocked House that can't pass anything so long as the president's a black Democrat, that on this issue alone and people's interpretation of the second amendment (ask any of those people what the other amendments are like the 14th, 19th, 25th or what Article 1 of the Constitution is) that he will just banish all guns or that any legislation is a slippery-slope. Any legislation that could get passed could only be a steep upgrade. Not too mention most Democrats are strong gun advocates as well. So there's almost no way it will go that far. Gabrielle Giffords is not giving up her gun and she got shot in the head and derailed her political career and ambitions and look where she's at.