
No Train. No Life!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jeanne trying to get Ayana to get ready for bed while she runs around like a crackhead:

"Come on Ayana. Daddy didn't get much sleep last night. Mommy didn't get much sleep last night...

...cutting Jeanne off, "And I didn't get to watch the 'Gummi Bears' last night."

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

One of the main arguments that people always have against bicyclists and bike lanes is, "They already have a bike lane, it's called the side walk!" Or while riding, people yell to "ride on the sidewalk."

I always hate this because it's illegal and not safe. One reason for not being safe is the width, but in the park and bike trails it's wider to accommodate its use. The other reason for not being safe is that drivers typically don't look for bicyclists, let alone pedestrians. This has been illustrated by the trails that utilize sidewalks such as in Ralston and on Pacific between the Keystone Trail and Elmwood Park and every I go on those I almost get hit. I say almost because I don't trust people so I'm always looking and get near them to make them feel dumb, but so I don't get hit.

So today I'm riding on Pacific street's trail east and I check back and a car's approaching the right turn so I slow. Car turns. As I approach I glance back and a truck's (of course) going fast heading towards the turn. Now, if I were walking or riding south in the crosswalk, this truck would hit me if I weren't paying attention. This is where I usually almost get hit but I always see the cars coming and slow and am enough away not to get hit, but for them to see me and stop. It makes no sense because they go 45 mph into the crosswalk to look to turn. They look for cars, not pedestrians. That turn, unless the lights already green, is blocking the view of the crosswalk. So common sense would have them do the legal, logical thing and stop before the crosswalk, check, and then progress. But a lot of them don't even turn their head. I usually flip them off or yell at them and most don't even notice.

So back to truck idiot (and a study done by me finds that 90% of truck drivers are assholes and/or don't know how to drive) who I'm watching while approaching the intersection. I'm slow because I'm waiting to see him notice me. He does but only when he's almost going south. Meaning he's already made the turn and then notices me. I, of course, not letting him get the better, continue and just stare at him. He yells out something and I only make out "sidewalk," and I yell, "FUCK YOU!!!" and stop and look back. Fucker keeps driving. I hate people.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Had a verbal exchange at the light on the bike trail today. After several people I had to pass including a lady with three dogs who moved to her left to left a walker pass to her right and as I approached she veered back onto the path, I just went on the grass to her right, as these people don't know what to do already if you yelled, "on your left!", let alone while having three dumb-ass dogs take up the path and her going left to let people pass.

So as I approach the end of the trail towards Pacific Street, two older overweight women are walking taking up the entire path. I yell, "on your left!" Nothing. Again, "ON YOUR LEFT!" She goes, "Oh!" and moves. I pass by and speed back up only to catch the light.

As I'm waiting, they approach me at a high-paced gait and the one that was on the left says, "Next time you pass someone and they move, you should say thank you."

Not believing what she's saying, then realizing how dumb she is, I get excited on the inside and look at her with my fuck-you-face and say, "Next time you should be walking on the right."

"We're walking on it and the polite thing to do is say thank you.

"It's a park and it's a bike path as well and the polite thing for you to do is stay to the right. We're not asking permission to pass, we're letting you know we're passing.

I'm thinking in my head as well and think about saying, "Could you actually imagine during the summer time having to bypass fifty people and all saying please and thank yous? Fuck you dumb bitch!

She said something else which I forget or didn't hear because the light turned and I said, highly sarcastically, "We'll I'll make sure to take an etiquette class," and rode off. I thought of so many other things I'd like to have said, but I'm quite happy with the results.

Friday, September 13, 2013

BTW, 54 degrees tomorrow morning for my bike commute. Looking forward to that.

Eastbound and Down

Kenny Powers was talking to the Mexican team and passed his rookie card around and said something like, "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I printed this on a computer. Well, for one I don't have a printer. And I fucking hate computers. But I didn't come here to bust on technology..."

Me, on the other hand says, "Fuck technology!" as I type via laptop through blogger. Technology, to me, has enhanced what I've always fucking done. Now everyone fucking does it and it's fucking annoying! Remember going to the fucking comic book/record shops to read up on obscure shows and finding out about movies and actors? Finding the one comic shop in Hawaii that had a dish and recorded fucking Buffy the Vampire Slayer because Hawaii didn't have the WB yet and he recorded it and loaned it out to fans? Reading fucking books about shit, reading fanzines about bands and mail-ordering?

I love all this shit, and I'm not just waxing nostalgic but - FUCK! - this is insance!!!! I mention a topic about something I was curious about and found a book about it and read (sometimes several books) and I start going through it and some fucking asshole goes, "Oh, yeah! I saw that on the History Channel." Eat a dick! Or in class someone waxes intellectual about something and then says, "I saw it on Discovery Channel. I watch that shit all the time." Like he's fucking into learning things. FUck you!!!! Watching a program is not the same as fucking being into learning things, asshole!

Now all of a sudden people are in to fucking old TV shows, making references (horribly), learning about other stuff. All this fucking information at their fingertips and they just fucking become annoying about it. Why don't you look up the youtube vid on driving fucking correctly and becoming efficient in lines and not being fucking stupid everywhere!!!!

I woke up this morning and headed towards the bathroom and as I walked there I saw Ayana roll off the bed and started following me. She was in deep sleep right before I awoke and just did one of those things she does where she rolls over and is completely awake. I looked back at her and jokingly said, "Ah, stop chasing me!" and started mock running. She made no reaction and kept walking so I walked into the living room and she went right to the couch and laid down. Great story.

What's even greater is the news...really?

Don Jon is supposedly a great movie...says Mike. Tony Danza is Joey's dad in it; it's good already.

I hate my classes because they could be good, but I keep forgetting the caliber of intellect in them. It's so hard to not be argumentative in the Political Science and Human Relations classes when the simplest discussion evokes the stupidest responses from people out there. I mean, those type of ignorant ideals and stuff are what the class is suppposed to get rid of, but...

Vladamir Putin is my new favorite man. His op-ed in the NT Times is fucking great. On point and calls the US and Obama on their shit. It's like reading other countries' news and not the US ones so you get a better, non-ethnocentric view point on things that Americans should so they get humbled and get some introspection so they can start thinking clearly about shit.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

So much stuff has happened since the last blog, most of which I have written about but not posted. From my broken collar bone, to Trayvon Martin, to a shit ton of other stuff including me hating technology and its seed planted into the destruction of mankind.

For now, I think I'll just do this one day at a time....or something like that.

Congratulations to Jeff and Margaret to their first born son Everett. I say "first born son" as a matter of fact and not like people seem to wink and elbow me with that as if the fucking "bloodline is secure." I'm not a fucking king or stupid shit like that.

That was the other thing I wrote about is the fucking royal couple shit. One couple who has never done anything interesting (nor will they). Nothing they do could interest me unless they die and/or in the way where (based on their situation and the "next in throne" type of nonsense, Prince Harry does a real life "Lion King." Other than that, fuck them.