I woke up to Mei-Mei with Bear and knew that once Ayana woke up and saw this, she'd be right there to swoop up Bear away fron Mei-Mei and hug him and she did not disappoint. I woke up this morning with a full day ahead of me, as is most days I take off of school and work it ends up being non-stop.
This morning consisted of me riding to Joe's and using his truck today. The main objective was picking up wood for customizing our office which has one desk now and we need three bookshelves, a desk and some shelves on my desk for storage. So on the way to the hardware store, I had some errands.
After waiting five full minutes for this lady to pull out of the only parking stall that was going to be available at Creighton Dental School (I almost left putting it off until Thursday), she took another three minutes pulling out. Even after she pulled out she stopped to do more shit on her phone. It took only three minutes to do my business there which was to authorize them to send my records to our family dentist in Hawaii, since he will work out a payment plan to help with my not having insurance.
Next, I stopped home to get the card from Jeanne, pick up shirts, ID's, wood inventory, and then our electrician that looks like David Cross portraying an electrician came.
First stop was the DMV to renew my license sans CDL, because I don't have an updated medical deal, nor the money. That was quick as there was hardly anyone there Tuesday morning at 10 am, except this black dude talking on his phone and kicking my chair.
I then drove around the corner to the tailor to drop a couple of shirts to be fitted as all my shirts are now too big. Then swooped around to pay my phone bill, pick up lunch from Alvarado's (which has great cheese), QT to get okay coffee and some protein, then to Home Depot to pick out wood and get a dude to cut it. I drew out how to cut it to make it easier, but still had to walk him through some. I hate knowing the process from last time, because I hate seeming as if I'm those guys who saw a show or something and now am an expert and will guide them through their job.

I came home and cleaned the garage for space for the wood and working, but also, it's been a mess since the garage sale and we're getting paid to store Joe's and Matt's cars for the winter.
I got the wood today with the intention of building the shelves on Saturday, but ended up not being able to study so started today. I first went to Lowe's for the screws and dropped off Joe's truck and rode back into 20 mph winds...while listening to Megadeth. After I put the shelves together and sanded them and sawed off the top 4"'s of the 2x4's, we ate dinner and Jeanne went to class.
Ayana and I played around and watched Animal Kingdom which she liked because they showed the giraffe and lions, which they were showing how the pride strategically surrounded and attacked the giraffe to kill it and it took an hour of trying, with the giraffe kicking the shit out of them, before they got him down. So that was it for that and got to reading and hanging with the cats.

At one point Ayana wanted me to take her shirt off so I did and next thing she was hanging with both hands on the bathroom doorknob. She wanted to take a bath. She we got that going and she kept looking at me at one point and I asked if she's all right, to which she looked rather sad and said no. She usually just says yes, no matter what, but apparently she knows what it means and wasn't feeling well. Then I saw two turds appear and she freaked out. So I pulled her out and wiped her and drained the tub, put her toys with the dishes, got the poop out, rinsed the tub, filled the tub up with bleach water, and Jeanne came home, so I started working on the assembly process of the shelves.

It's basically the same plan as the others, but I'm not a carpenter with the time or the tools necessary. Just the ability to get what we need. So Saturday will be a small three shelf in the corner for the modem, router, scanner, printer, etc, and then the desk which will be right in front of the window with two shelves above. Then we have space for two more shelves then a two-tiered shelf above my desk.

Lots of work with little time and money but there's a bunch we're trying to get through before we leave. Fortunately and unfortunately the weather's been nice so work's been busy, but the shop always could use the money and I could use the tips, and hopefully we'll get caught up before the trip...which I'm getting my stuff together...like my books.

Currently reading
Gender Jihad, finished re-reading
the Stranger to prepare me for reading
Dishwaser was great, and for some reason
Crime and Punishment is what I'm looking forward to as my main read in Hawaii.